Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Health Bloggers Vote Now

Hey people
Just got invited to join the People's Health Blogger Award contest for best health blog with Wellsphere.

I invite you to browse this blog, and if you like what you see, Vote for me! on the sidebar.
here is what I've been blogging about over there (and they link to my wisdomforwomen blog as well).

Healing Ourselves (recent Wellsphere blogpost)

The one single most important thing I have learned about menopause, and it has been a wonderful learning opportunity, is about self-care.

There is no fast easy way through menopause. For some of us, it's an emotional roller coaster (I raise my hand on that one). For others, it's hot flash season and lack of sleep that has them tossing and turning.

Others swear they never felt a thing, hardly noticed anything had changed (just too busy I guess, or in prime shape).

Menopause is not an illness. But it does require you to pay attention to your health. In fact, most of the symptoms arise from our body-mind connection - too tired? not getting enough sleep? never stopping to take care of yourself? eating on the run? burning the candle at both ends? adrenaline junkie? your body will let you know what you need to do. Mostly, it involves slowing down, taking stock, being real with yourself.

What do you really need right now? A nap may be enough, or a trip to the osteopath or ayurvedic consultant. Or maybe some help with taking care of your elderly parents.

Most women I know are working moms, or just working. We easily get over busy and over burdened with things we do for others. The last person on our list is ourself.

I invite you to browse my blog/website www.msmenopause.blogspot.com for articles on and tips on how to take better care of yourself.

For health related information on symptoms, the best site ever is www.womentowomen.com. I've used them as a resource for over two years now and have found they are way ahead of everyone else, mixing holistic and western approaches with success.

So ladies, it begins with you, with me. It does get better. It does require serious slowing down. Listen to your body, it is your best teacher.

aka musemother

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